Stefania Caito began studying ballet, using the Russian and English method (RAD), as a childand continued for another 17 years.

She now works as a dancer and actress in theatre and filmprojects.

She studied acting in Rome and became passionate about creative research followingacting seminars on the American Strasberg and Stanislasvkij Method.

In 2006 she graduated with a degree in Marketing and Business Communication and specialised inthe organisation of Cultural Events working in public relations and as a press officer for events.

During this time she discovered Ashtanga Yoga in Rome and felt an immediate passion for it: sheabandoned dance and marketing to dedicate herself completely to the discipline of Yoga.
She studied Ashtanga Yoga with the teacher Tina Pizzimenti.

Stefania decided to leave for Mysore (India), to the place where Ashtanga Yoga originated at the ‘K Pattabhi Jois Ashtanga Yoga Institute‘ to study with R. Sharath Jois, nephew of Sri. K. PattabhiJois (1915 – 2009), and current director of the institute.

In 2013 she obtained authorisation to teachfrom R. Sharath Jois (

In her travels throughout India she studied Sanskrit, Yoga Sutra,
Hatha Yoga Pradipika withLaksmi c/o KPJAYI;

The Chanting of Indian scriptures (Yoga Sutrani Chanting) with Dr. MAJayashree from whom, in 2013, she received the blessing to teach it;

The Philosophy of Yoga andTranscendental Meditation with Prof. MA. Narasimhan and Yoga Sutra Philosophy with Prof. HVNagajrao.

She has taken part in Vipassana meditation retreats in Italy (in accordance with the teaching ofmaster SN Goenka).

Stefania teaches following the traditional method as passed down to Mysore (India) by Sri. K.Pattabhi Jois and R. Sharath Jois.

Stefania with Sharath Jois c/o KPJAYI

Stefania with Dr M.A. Jayashree (Mysore)

Stefania with Prof. M.A. Narasimhan (Mysore)

Stefania with Laksmi c/o KPJAYI

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